Hearing Tests

When you visit Laredo Hearing & Balance Solutions, our hearing instrument specialists will guide you through the process of getting a hearing test, an essential step in maintaining your hearing health. If you’re experiencing any signs of hearing loss, such as difficulty understanding conversations or frequently asking others to repeat themselves, it’s time to schedule an appointment.

During your visit, we’ll conduct a comprehensive evaluation to assess your hearing abilities and determine the extent of any hearing loss. Our team will explain each step of the testing process, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed throughout. By the end of your appointment, you’ll have a clearer understanding of your hearing status and any necessary next steps to address any hearing concerns.

Do You Need a Hearing Test?

If you find yourself struggling to hear conversations, frequently asking people to repeat themselves, or having difficulty following dialogue in noisy environments, it may be time to consider a hearing test. Other signs include turning up the volume on the TV or radio excessively, feeling like others mumble when they speak, or experiencing ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, scheduling a hearing test with us at Laredo Hearing & Balance Solutions is a proactive step towards addressing your hearing health concerns.

What to Expect from Your Hearing Evaluation

Hearing evaluations typically take between 30-40 minutes to complete. After that, you’ll get the chance to discuss results and talk about your next steps. Your practitioner may recommend hearing aids at this point or recommend you for further testing if more information is needed. Either way, it is always recommended to bring a family member with you to this appointment to act as your support and help you retain all of the information you get.

If you have any further questions about hearing testing at Laredo Hearing & Balance Solutions, feel free to reach out. Our team is always available to answer your questions.