Hearing Loss Treatment

If your hearing test reveals a permanent hearing loss, hearing aids may be recommended. Laredo Hearing & Balance Solutions offers professional hearing services, including the customized fitting of your devices, as well as ongoing or as-needed maintenance.

Once you have selected your hearing aids after an evaluation, your hearing professional will program them, based on a prescription, to meet your hearing needs. The hearing professional will explain how to use the devices, how to put them in the ear and how to remove them, how to charge your hearing aids, and how to care for and clean the devices. This appointment will generally take at least one hour so ensure you allot enough time. It is always recommended to bring a family member or close friend to the hearing aid fitting so they can help remember all the information that is given and be a support to you. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask for written instructions, which can help you better retain the information.

Hearing aid recommendation

Your hearing professional may explain what sounds you have difficulty hearing, and what hearing aids can do to help. It is usually at this appointment that you will get to see, touch, and try hearing aids. 

Your hearing professional will help you choose the best hearing aid style, features and level of sophistication based on your degree of hearing loss, lifestyle, and financial circumstances. Some hobbies and occupations may benefit from different hearing aid styles or features, so we will get to know your needs better during this appointment. The final decision on treatment options is yours, but your hearing care professional will make recommendations on the best options for your particular needs.

Once you make a decision, the hearing professional may take impressions of your ears if you selected custom hearing aids or behind-the-ear hearing aids that require earmolds. Hearing aids are ordered from a manufacturer and then programmed by your hearing professional to meet your specific hearing needs. There is an adjustment period when wearing hearing aids, so your provider may make additional changes to your settings to ensure you’re getting the best listening experience possible.

Understanding your hearing aids

When you put the hearing aids in for the first time, you may have different emotions about the sounds you hear. This is normal and to be expected. The goal of the hearing aid is to make everyday sounds audible and comfortable, but the sound you hear should be clear and pleasant. Small changes can be made to the hearing aids at your first fitting if there are things that you feel should be adjusted right away. The hearing professional should do additional testing to make sure that the hearing aids are giving you enough sound where you need it. Additionally, remember to ask any questions or discuss any concerns you may have with your professional.

Fitting your hearing aids

You may also be given a short questionnaire or list of questions to answer. Be honest about what you hear so that the hearing professional can work with you to create the best listening experience with your new hearing aids. Your hearing aid fitting is only a starting place; other changes to customize the hearing to your liking may need to take place over a few appointments.

Adjusting to hearing aids

Attitude is one important key to success with hearing aids. Hearing aid studies have shown that people who have a positive attitude do better with hearing aids. If you, as well as your spouse or family, approach your hearing aid fitting with a positive outlook you will have a much better listening experience more quickly. Keep in mind that it may take some time to get used to the sounds you were missing, and by working closely with your hearing professional; you will get the most out of your new hearing aids.

Hearing aid repairs

Hearing aids come with a warranty when purchased. Any repairs while in warranty will be fully covered by the manufacturer. If your warranty has expired, it is still possible to repair most hearing aids for a small fee depending on the extent of the repair and the age of the hearing aid. In the event your hearing aid is severely damaged and unable to be repaired, our professionals will work with you to determine what devices would be best for your current needs. Your hearing professional will provide you with details when you bring your hearing aid into the office.

Hearing aid maintenance

One easy way to keep your hearing aids in good working order is by properly caring for and maintaining the devices. This means cleaning them daily with a dry cloth and the cleaning tool provided in one of the previous appointments. It is always recommended to bring hearing aids at least twice a year for a deep cleaning. Remember to talk with your hearing care professional if you discover any kind of malfunction or damage to your device.